Friday, October 11, 2019

Donnie Darko Review

The movie Donned Dark can leave many impressions. One controversial issue with this movie is that its true meaning (which I found out after watching the movie online) is impossible to decipher unless you have read the novel that the movie was built around, The Philosophy of Time Travel. When I first watched the movie with no background information I was confused at the overall concept but the most apparent theme that I got is that although people are greatly similar in many physical aspects, he mind differs immensely among people.After watching the director's vivid portrayal of the schizophrenic, fictional character, Donned Dark, I have a deeper understanding of how other people, more notably psychologically affected people, execute bottom-up processing and act to different stimuli. The explicit visions of Donned Dark in the movie are perfect examples; the way the Donned Dark perceives his world is very different from what you might typically expect a ‘normal' person to perceiv e their world. The relevance of this lies In the realization that everybody hints differently.Donned Drams hallucinations were Induced by an excess of dopamine in his brain he Is still of an example of how people, schizophrenic or not posses unique mental sets. I think that the movie Is very powerful. After watching the movie I had to really sit down and think about what I Just saw. Grandma Death's message to Donned about how â€Å"In the end we all die alone† Is particularly Interesting; this quote brought the movie together for me because the entire movie Is centered on the â€Å"end of the world† and builds up to the last scene In which Donned Dark Is ruled up In bed alone when the plane engine crashes through his roof and ends his life.The scene In which Donned Drams secret admirer, Charta who got picked on by the older students, clashed with Donned In the hallway and dropped her notebook filled with Jots of Iodine's name Impacted me emotionally as I thought of how Donned tells her that things will get better and Iodine's life ends which directly benefits Charta. The significance of Frank confused me throughout the movie. HIS purpose Is clear but his orally Is still a mystery to me. I thought that Franks appearance In the vie especially towards the end was very unpredictable and Ire.As the movie closed, things got even more Ire as Donned rides In his car with his dead girl friend to witness a tornado engulf the city and eventually the downfall of the plane that would end his own life. Overall I enjoyed the movie. Although the movie's Intentions were unclear; I enjoyed the movie. Donned Dark Review By sunbonnets perceive their world. The relevance of this lies in the realization that everybody thinks differently. Donned Darkroom's hallucinations were induced by an excess of famine in his brain he is still of an example of how people, schizophrenic or not posses unique mental sets. I think that the movie is very powerful.After watching message to Donned about how â€Å"In the end we all die alone† is particularly interesting; this quote brought the movie together for me because the entire movie is centered on the â€Å"end of the world† and builds up to the last scene in which Donned Dark is curled up in bed alone when the plane engine crashes through his roof and ends his life. The scene in which Donned Darkroom's secret admirer, Charier who got picked on by he older students, clashed with Donned in the hallway and dropped her notebook filled with Jots of Iodine's name impacted me emotionally as I thought of how Donned Charier.The significance of Frank confused me throughout the movie. His purpose is clear but his origin is still a mystery to me. I thought that Franks appearance in the movie especially towards the end was very unpredictable and ire. As the movie closed, things got even more ire as Donned rides in his car with his dead girl friend to end his own life. Overall I enjoyed the movie. Although th e movie's intentions were

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